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Online Faculty

William Paterson Faculty - Leo Jurado

Leo-Felix M. Jurado | Professor and Chairperson

“In nursing, you will always be making a difference in people’s lives. In order to do that well, you have to be selfless.”

Degrees Held:

  • PhD, Urban Health Systems – Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, 2013
  • MA, Delivery of Nursing Services – New York University, 1991
  • BA, English – St. Paul University, 1988
  • BS, Nursing – St. Paul University, 1986
  • Career Highlights:

    Dr. Jurado is a versatile leader and a superb role model. He has held prominent positions with several professional organizations and educational institutions. He is a former president of the NJ Board of Nursing, where he served as a Board Member for ten years, a former president of the Philippine Nurses Association of NJ, and a former president of the Philippine Nurses Association of America (PNAA), where he established a peer-reviewed journal, created a forum for advanced-practice nurses, and founded a village in the Philippines providing homes for the homeless. He recently served as the PNAA Parliamentarian for six years. He is now the PNAA Executive Director. He is also the Associate Editor of the “Journal of Nursing Practice Applications & Reviews of Research” (JNPARR).

    His research agenda includes foreign-educated nurses and men in nursing. His novel doctoral dissertation focused on the "Social Construction of Filipino nurses in the Philippines and as Foreign-Educated Nurses in the United States." He has spoken at regional, national, and global conferences (in all the six continents of the world) regarding his program of research and other topics germane to nursing education, leadership, and diversity. He has received several distinguished awards in nursing education and research, healthcare, community leadership, and mentoring. He is a certified nurse educator (CNE), nurse executive (NE-BC), and an advanced practice nurse (APN) in adult health.

    In 2016, he was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing during a ceremony at the academy’s annual policy conference held in Washington, D.C. He was one of the nurse leaders from across the U.S. and from 10 other countries chosen for this remarkable honor based on their outstanding contributions to nursing and healthcare, including their influence on healthcare policies.

    In which online degree program do you teach?

    • Which classes do you teach online?

      Leadership Seminar, Leadership & Professional Practice, Health Indicators Seminar, Population Health & Legislation, Curriculum Development, and Classroom & Clinical Teaching Strategies.

    • What do you want students to take away from your courses?

      To be able to synthesize what the course is all about and to use what they have learned in practice.

    • Why did you start teaching?

      Teaching and learning are my passion. Teaching is an excellent opportunity for me to shape the future by providing the best education the students can have in their chosen discipline.

    • What advice would you give to those considering this online program?

      Learning takes places in different approaches. Self-motivation is the key to online learning. Students must have an active role in online learning to be successful. You get in return what you put in and much more.

    • What qualities make someone particularly successful in the area in which you teach?

      To be successful nurses, students must be passionate helping others—patients, groups, and communities. Critical thinking is key to learning nursing. In nursing, you will always be making a difference in people’s lives. In order to do that well, you have to be selfless.

    • What do you think is the biggest challenge that people in the profession face today?

      The biggest challenge is the constant evolution of healthcare. Thereby, nurses must be lifelong learners. Patient safety is utmost important.

    • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

      “Inspired Nurse” by Rich Bluni, RN.

    • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students may not know about you.

      I am a world traveler!