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Online Faculty

William Paterson Faculty - Jennifer Owlett

Dr. Jennifer Owlett | Associate Professor of Communication; Director of the MA in Professional Communication

“Students that are well-organized tend to be successful in my courses. Someone who is dedicated to their learning and is both an active participant and listener also will excel.”

Degrees Held:

  • PhD in Communication – Purdue University, Brian Lamb School of Communication (BLSC), 2014
  • MA in Communication – University of Delaware, 2010
  • Honors BA (With Distinction) in Communication Arts and Sciences – The Pennsylvania State University, 2008
  • Career Highlights:


    Journal articles, refereed:

    • Oh, S. K., Yoo, K.-H., & Owlett, J. S. (2021). Focusing on the "public" in public relations: The importance of person-centered messages (PCMs) in crisis communication. Journal of International Crisis & Risk Communication Research, 4(1), 93-128.
    • Rossetto, K. R., & Owlett, J. S. (2020). (Un)Supportive functions of social media for military partners coping with military life challenges. Armed Forces & Society. doi:
    • 10.1177/0095327X20974391.
    • Owlett, J. S. (2019). The dark side of modern love: Introducing the dark side of interpersonal communication. Communication Teacher. doi: 10.1080/17404622.2019.1635707.
    • Owlett, J. S., Oh, S. K., & Yoo, H.-K. (2019). Evaluating crisis responses on Twitter: Perspectives from situational crisis communication theory and person-centered messages. In D. Vercic, A. Tkalac Vercic, & K. Sriramesh (Eds.), BledCom 2018 Conference: A World in Crisis: The Role of Public Relations. Bled, Slovenia.
    • Owlett, J. S. (2018). Communicating grief and loss online: Evaluating person-centered support messages. Communication Teacher, 32(4), 203 - 208. doi: 10.1080/17404622.2018.1459757.
    • Oh, S. K., & Owlett, J. S. (2017). Embracing social media in the basic communication course: Recommendations for the digital age. Basic Course Communication Annual, 29, 98 - 108.
    • Owlett, J. S., Richards, K. A., Wilson, S. R., DeFreese, J. D., & Roberts, F. D. (2015). Privacy management in the military family during deployment: Adolescents' perspectives. Journal of Family Communication, 15, 141 -- 158. doi: 10.1080/1526743.2015.1013105.
    • Wilson, S. R., Chernichky, S. M., Wilkum, K., & Owlett, J. S. (2014). Do family communication patterns buffer children from difficulties associated with a parent's military deployment? Examining deployed and non-deployed parents' perspectives. Journal of Family Communication, 14, 32 -- 52. doi: 10.1080/15267431.2013.857325.

    Book chapters, refereed:

    • Rossetto, K. R., & Owlett, J. S. (2020). Future directions in MAL resilience in the higher education classroom. Supporting the Military-Affiliated Learner (MAL): Communication Approaches to Military Pedagogy & Education (V. McDermott, L. H. Hernandez, & A. May). Lexington.

    Awards and honors:

    • 2020 William Paterson University Assigned Release Time for Research (ART)
    • 2019 November Faculty of the Month College of the Arts and Communication
    • 2019 Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
    • 2018 College of the Arts and Communication Center for Creative Activity and Research (CCAR) Grant
    • 2018 William Paterson University Assigned Release Time for Research (ART)
    • 2017 College of the Arts and Communication Center for Creative Activity and Research (CCAR) Grant
    • 2017 Faculty Research and Travel Incentive Program Grant
    • 2016 College of the Arts and Communication Center for Creative Activity and Research (CCAR) Grant
    • 2016 William Paterson University Assigned Release Time for Research (ART)
    • 2015 Faculty Research and Travel Incentive Program Grant
    • 2013 Battlemind to Home Symposium Fellowship
    • 2013 Purdue Research Foundation Summer Research Fellowship
    • 2008 Phi Beta Kappa Society

    In which online degree program do you teach?

    • What do you want students to take away from your courses?

      Each course will have separate learning outcomes, but all should focus on extension and application. Understanding communication concepts is helpful but can lack meaning unless the student is able to apply these concepts to one’s own life.

    • Why did you start teaching?

      I began teaching because I enjoy learning.

    • What advice would you give to those considering this online program?

      Plan your weeks. Part of this planning should include time to engage in the online lectures and/or assignments but with your family and career needs in mind, too.

    • What qualities make someone particularly successful in the area in which you teach?

      Students that are well-organized tend to be successful in my courses. Someone who is dedicated to their learning and is both an active participant and listener also will excel.

    • What do you think is the biggest challenge that people in the profession face today?

      Understanding that increasing communication frequency does not increase communication skill.

    • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

      This book is unrelated to communication, but a great read! Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep.”

    • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students may not know about you.

      I love to be outside, especially in/around water. In my free time, I like to swim and paddle board.